Saturday, October 22, 2011

A positive Choice for the Community you want

Sustainability is the issue of our times and our community. Planning for Sustainability means preserving greenspace and developing cycle, pedestrian, transit friendly communities. It means healthy vibrant communities focused on local agriculture, local culture and locally produced goods. It means big savings to taxpayers from more rational development, conservation of energy resources and the recognition of ecological principles. Communities around the world are responding to the challenge and I want the Comox Valley to be among the leaders.
Working together for a just and compassionate community:

When the rest of the valley is drawing up a good will protocol for preventing racism, homophobia or ethnic and religious hate, I want my vote to ensure Courtenay is the first to sign on instead of being the only ones to hold up a valley wide agreement. I want to speak up for joining the rest of our community in creating a warm, secure place for the homeless.
Taxes are a good thing when they are applied fairly and used effectively in building a community that meets the needs of its citizens now and tomorrow. The problem as usual in the Comox Valley is the discussion begins with telling citizens we need to grow over everything in order to build a revenue generating tax base. But we grow over everything and taxes go up, up, up— when by the tax base logic they should be coming down. I am opposed to the HST-styled manipulation of the tax multiplier that sees citizens (seniors, families, working people) paying an ever larger portion of municipal taxes.

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